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Drunken driver runs over officer's foot

WEEHAWKEN, N.J. – According to Port Authority police, a drunken driver ran over a police officer’s foot while he was trying to flee.

45-year-old Norberto Cancel of North Bergen was approached by officers when they found his vehicle blocking traffic at an approach lane to the Lincoln Tunnel in Weehawken. When they came closer, they found Cancel slumped over in the car.

When the officers woke him up, he allegedly put the car in reverse and ran over an officer’s foot.

The officer used his baton to break the car window and took Cancel into custody. He was charged with aggravated assault.

It is not clear if Cancel had an attorney or not.

The officer suffered a bruised foot and cuts on his wrist and finger and was treated at a hospital for his injuries.

News Source: www.Philly.com

About the Author

Kevin Leckerman exclusively practices DWI defense law. Kevin has extensive training and certification in DWI breath testing, blood testing, and field sobriety testing. Contact us now to talk about how your case can be won.