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Leckerman Law, LLC


Leckerman Law, LLC is a Pennsylvania law firm with offices in Pennsylvania and New Jersey, practicing law exclusively in Pennsylvania and New Jersey. The information on this Web site does not apply to any other states. The purpose of this Web site is to provide information about Leckerman Law, LLC and to provide basic information to people seeking legal representation. None of this information is intended as legal advice in any manner nor does it create an attorney-client relationship. Legal advice can only be given by attorney Kevin Leckerman, if, after consultation, he is retained.

According to the New Jersey Rules of Professional Conduct, this Website is considered an “ADVERTISEMENT.” Before making your choice of attorney, you should give this matter careful thought. The selection of an attorney is an important decision. If the information on this Web site is believed to be inaccurate or misleading, you may report this to the Committee on Attorney Advertising, Hughes Justice Complex, P.O. Box 037, Trenton, NJ 08625.

Laws concerning drunk driving are meant to protect the public and should be viewed in this manner. Driving while intoxicated poses a danger to the driver and every other person on the roadways.Leckerman Law, LLC does not condone driving while intoxicated in anyway. Leckerman Law, LLC , however, provides zealous legal services that each United States citizen is guaranteed under the U.S. and state constitutions.

Furthermore, if someone believes that he or she has an alcohol or substance abuse problem, steps can be taken to address this issue.
Drug and alcohol dependency counseling is widely available throughout Pennsylvania and New Jersey. Leckerman Law, LLC can provide a list of drug and alcohol dependency counseling centers to any client who feels that he or she is in need of those services.

By Kevin Leckerman