Worried That A DUI Charge Could Throw Your Life Into A Tailspin? Click Here To Learn How Our Firm Can Help You Find A Better Outcome Click Here To Learn More

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Leckerman Law, LLC

Firm Overview

When you’ve been arrested for DWI in New Jersey, getting your case dismissed or being found “not guilty” has become harder, especially without a well-prepared, veteran DWI attorney at your side.Why?

Drunk driving has become a cultural phenomenon, including many celebrity DUI / DWI arrests. Each year, well over 1 million Americans are arrested, charged, and convicted of DWI.

Not only are you facing multiple legal consequences when you’re charged with DWI, the law surrounding it has become so complex, it’s nearly impossible for the layperson to have all of the legal tools needed to fix the problem.

Firm Overview

It all comes down to Winning DWI Defenses- which is why I’ve chosen that name for this website. How can you know what defenses for your case will work in a New Jersey court, and which ones will fail miserably?

You don’t know. But I can help you figure them out. This is why 100% of my legal practice is devoted to DWI defense.

Finding an attorney who will take your defense as far as it can go, discovering each and every legal issue to attack, are the best ways to win a DUI charge in New Jersey.

Winning is not just about finding “enough” evidence to successfully defend your case – it’s about finding more and more and more evidence and problems with the prosecution’s case until a mountain of a defense has been built to bring into court.

In my experience overkill is typically a good thing for attacking a DWI charge. Finding 1 or 2 technicalities usually does not win the day. Overwhelming the prosecution with good, solid legal defenses can be a way to get the prosecutor to drop the charge or convince the judge that you are “Not Guilty.”

I value my clients. The people I represent are good, hard-working people who have a lot to lose if convicted of DWI- including jobs, homes and family. I know that getting charged with a DWI can be the lowest point in someone’s life. Having a lawyer who truly believes in your case and never stops fighting can help get your life back on track.

Neither the judge nor the prosecutor is going to cut you a break simply because you have a clean record or you are a good person. Constructing winning DWI defenses is the only way to convince the prosecution that it would not be in the best interest of the State to take the case to trial.

If I sound like the type of attorney you’re looking for, then call me today.


Kevin Leckerman, Esq.

Contacting the right DWI defense attorney at the right time is the key to defending your DWI charges in Cherry Hill, New Jersey. DWI defense attorney Kevin Leckerman has handled over 1000 DUI / DWI cases in New Jersey during his career. He fully understands the local DWI laws in New Jersey and has been serving in Cherry Hill, NJ and Camden County. DWI defense lawyer Kevin Leckerman has also obtained training from NHTSA to administer Standardized Field Sobriety Tests. Protect your rights and prevent a DWI charge from becoming a DWI conviction in Cherry Hill, NJ. If you are facing a drug related DWI in New Jersey, contact the office of Leckerman Law, LLC today at (856) 429-2323 or visit our office at 1101 Marlton Pike W, 1st Floor, Cherry Hill, NJ 08002.