Montvale Police Officer Reportedly Pleads Guilty To Drunken Driving
PEQUANNOCK – According to a police report, Herminio Amado, a Montvale police officer, admitted to being drunk when he was found asleep behind the wheel of his luxury car last year in Morris County.
Amado’s driver’s license was suspended for seven months. However, his lawyer appealed a pretrial ruling which permitted an alcohol influence report to be entered as evidence, allowing him to continue driving. That appeal remains pending.
Amado was found dozing in a black BMW on the side of Route 23 south in June by Pequannock police. The prosecutor said that his blood alcohol content was recorded at 0.18 percent, which is more than twice the legal limit.
Adado pleaded guilty to drunken driving on Monday, despite the fact that his attorney had previously said that too little time had elapsed between the breath tests which were given to his client.
Amado has been a cop since 2012. He is the president of the Montvale chapter of the Policeman’s Benevolent Association. Police records show that he made $88,172 last year.
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