Worried That A DUI Charge Could Throw Your Life Into A Tailspin? Click Here To Learn How Our Firm Can Help You Find A Better Outcome Click Here To Learn More

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Leckerman Law, LLC

Medford Township

Medford is located in Burlington County near to both the Jersey Shore and the city of Philadelphia. Different places of entertainment present there make the place worth living which include shopping and recreational places. It is a diverse town with the historic district of Medford Village.

There are also a lot of lakes present in the village where residents enjoy the sunset and nature. There are schools available for children where they can get education. All the things collectively make the place a hidden gem of New Jersey.

DWI Consequences

If you are arrested and charged with drunk driving or driving under the influence (DUI), the consequences can be severe; you may lose your driver’s license, pay heavy fines, have your vehicle impounded and even receive a jail sentence. DWI convictions remain on your permanent criminal record and as a result, may interfere with your livelihood, causing you to lose your job or hinder future employment opportunities. With such high stakes, it is crucial that you contact a qualified DWI defense attorney as soon as you are arrested for driving while intoxicated.

Medford Township Municipal Court

The Medford Township Municipal Court only hears misdemeanor criminal offenses and traffic offense cases. In some instances, individuals charged with more serious offenses will have their initial court appearance in Medford Township Municipal Court before their matter is transferred to the Burlington County Prosecutor’s Office in Mount Holly. A conviction for a violation like DWI, driving while suspended, or possession of marijuana can tarnish your record for a long time. While the penalties of monetary fines, loss of driving privileges, community service, probation and sometimes even jail can be life-altering, the stigma of a having a criminal or motor vehicle conviction on your permanent record can haunt you for years to come.


91 Union Street
Medford, NJ 08055
Phone: (609) 654-8813
Fax: (609) 654-6132

Have you been charged with a DWI in Medford Township, New Jersey? Are you finding it difficult to contact an experienced and qualified DUI / DWI defense lawyer in Medford Township, New Jersey? If you answered ‘YES’ to both these questions, then you need to get in touch with Leckerman Law, LLC in Cherry Hill, NJ. Attorney Kevin Leckerman has years of experience representing and defending clients in DUI / DWI cases in Medford Township, New Jersey. He can take cases anywhere in Camden County and make sure that your rights are protected at all times. Protect your rights and secure your future, and don’t let the Driving While Intoxicated charge become a DWI conviction. Call the office of Leckerman Law, LLC today at (856) 429-2323 to discuss your case.